The terms eczema and dermatitis are often used interchangeably to describe the same condition. Dermatitis is characterized by a rash, dryness of skin, itching, and redness of skin. The symptoms of dermatitis occur due to the over production of damaging inflammatory skin cells and continue to worsen as a result of certain factors in the environment.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Advantages of Sea Buckthorn OIl

Concentrations of a rare fatty acid ( palmitoleic ) and carotenoid levels found in sea buckthorn oils are claimed to promote healing of skin burns and the relief of other skin ailments such as eczema and dermatitis. The most significant potential healthful benefit is the high content of the tocopherol ( vitamin E ) component within the seed oil. Tocopherol is recognized as the natural antioxidant in the human body. It is believed that high levels of tocopherol minimize skin oxidation, which helps to maintain skin integrity and reduce skin toughening and wrinkling. Sea-buckthorn oils are also believed to have a biological protective capacity. The tocopherols and carotenoids can trap and reduce the formation of UV-B induced toxic products in skin cells. Due to these UV-B absorptive properties, sea buckthorn oils may be used by industry as a natural sun screen. Research has indicated that extracts isolated from the bark of sea buckthorn may inhibit tumour growth and there are reports that it has successfully treated gingivitis.The leaves of the sea buckthorn plant also contain many nutrients and bioactive substances. Leaves harvested from the male plant can be used to produce tea, tea extracts, tea powder and animal feed.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Learning More About Dermatitis

Listed below are some creditable sources of additional inforamtion on Dermatitis:

International Eczema-Psoriasis Foundation: Actively helping Eczema & Psoriasis SufferersThe International Eczema-Psorasis Foundation is an organization whose mission is to gather in one place, available information found on the web, in books and articles concerning the often confusing terms dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.

MedlinePlus: Dermatitis... Search MEDLINE/PubMed for recent researcharticles on Dermatitis: • Atopic • Contact • General. ...

AAD: Eczema/Atopic DermatitisPatient information from the American Academy of Dermatology, including a description of the condition,...

What is Seborrheic DermatitisA pamplet from the American Academy of Dermatology that provides general information about SD.

Dermatitis (eczema). DermNet NZ... Dermatitis. Dermatitis affects about one in every five people at some time intheir lives. It results ... atopic eczema). Some types of dermatitis. ...

eMedicine - Dermatitis, Atopic : Article by Anthony J Ghidorzi, Jr ...Dermatitis, Atopic - Atopic dermatitis (ie, eczema) is a chronic pruritic skincondition usually beginning in infancy. ... ... Dermatitis, Atopic. ...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What is this Rash?

Any one of the following warning signs can be a signal to see a rosacea expert for diagnosis and appropriate treatment before the signs and symptoms become increasingly severe:
*Redness on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead.
*Small visible blood vessels on the face.
*Bumps or pimples on the face.
*Watery or irritated eyes.

Rosacea is aggravated by many factors, including sunlight, physical and mental stress, sinus and allergy conditions, hot liquids, spicy foods, extremes in temperature, alcohol (either topically applied or orally consumed) and stress (Drs. McKoewn, Wilkin, Wilkin, Wilkin). But it is important to note that what aggravates one person's rosacea may have no effect on another person's condition (Dr. Wilkin)

The following other conditions can have symptoms similar to rosacea:

Acne is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne affects most teenagers to some extent, but can also affect adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s. While there is no permanent cure for acne, it is controllable.

Psoriasis causes the skin to become inflamed, while producing red, thickened areas with silvery scales. This persistent skin disease occurs most often on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. In some cases, psoriasis is so mild that people don't know they have it. At the opposite extreme, severe psoriasis may cover large areas of the body.

Eczema is used to describe all kinds of red, blistering, oozing, scaly, brownish, thickened, and itching skin conditions.