The terms eczema and dermatitis are often used interchangeably to describe the same condition. Dermatitis is characterized by a rash, dryness of skin, itching, and redness of skin. The symptoms of dermatitis occur due to the over production of damaging inflammatory skin cells and continue to worsen as a result of certain factors in the environment.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Causes of Dermatitis

There are many causes for the skin to be irritated and to be become inflamed. The skin can resists irritation, but some individuals and especially fair-skinned people, postpartum females, older patients with drier skin, and those with existing dermatitis, have an enhanced sensitivity due to genetics or contact with toxic substances, abrasion, internal metabolic imbalance or endogenous dermatitis. One needs to always identify the cause which will take much time to examine foods & drinks, sun exposure, dehydration, detergents and over washing.