Chromate is another dermatitis-causing metal, which is also found in cement, but more commonly used as a leather tanning agent. "Shoe dermatitis" may result from leather containing chromates and patients should change their shoes and socks throughout the day especially if they are allergic or if there is excess perspiration.In addition, some matches contain chromates and touching unlit matches can contaminate fingers. The fumes from a lit match and the charred match head also contain small amounts of chromate."When a metal allergy is suspected, it's important for people to seek the medical advice of a dermatologist especially since nickel, cobalt and chromate can all be found in some common metal objects that people may touch every day," said Dr. Fowler. "If avoidance of an item isn't possible, your dermatologist can recommend some other treatment options and lifestyle changes that can help patients live and work without the itchy rash of allergic contact dermatitis."
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