The terms eczema and dermatitis are often used interchangeably to describe the same condition. Dermatitis is characterized by a rash, dryness of skin, itching, and redness of skin. The symptoms of dermatitis occur due to the over production of damaging inflammatory skin cells and continue to worsen as a result of certain factors in the environment.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Treating Atopic Dermatitis

More than 15 million Americans are diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, commonly referred to as eczema. There's a new therapy available by prescription.
While many products to treat eczema are currently available, the FDA has recently cleared a new approach in managing the signs and symptoms of eczema called Mimyx cream.
Unlike current prescription therapies, Mimyx is safe enough to be used on patients of any age and there is no limit on the duration of use.
The chronic inflammatory disease that affects 90 percent of patients within the first five years of their lives, is characterized by red, dry, itchy skin that rashes.
This uncomfortable and unpleasant condition largely affects children but can also affect adults and often leads to sleep interruption due to the severity of the itch.